DINOSOTYPE TRUETYPE OR POSTSCRIPT TYPE 1 FONT GREAT IDEAS AROUND DINGBATS Dinosotype is a great font, which has had quite a lot of success among shareware font passionate. Believe it or not, it was Michel's first atempt at shareware fonts, back in 1993. He placed it on Compuserve, and boom ! In a few weeks, it was everywhere. He uploaded it to America Online, and zoom ! Several thousand downloads in the first week ! It may be because it is really original, far from the usual letters blabber. It may be because it was, at the time, the dinosaurs craze, with Jurassic Park on every screen. To-day, the video is in stores, and it was time for a new version, a little more complete. Our dinosaur pictures have been patiently crafted, to make them as beautiful as possible, and yet scientifically accurate. Apart for a few "Barney-like" cartoon characters, all of them are inspired by the most respected dinosaur representations. Some users have suggested some improvements. Here they are. Vectors have been cleaned in order to facilitate their printing. Some mistakes have been corrected. And more hollow figures are available, in order to facilitate coloring projects. Now, numerals 0 to 1 contain dinos, especially treated for that purpose. I know how disapointing it must be for kids to punch in some keys, without geting the expected monsters. Now, every key on the standard keyboard generates a dinosaur. We have had lots of fonts released, some with quite a bit of download success. But it is still fascinating to see how many copies of Dinosotype have been around the globe. And how many uses have been discovered for this font. Here are some ideas about how to better enjoy Dinosotype. - Quiz : print all characters from the font, and by comparison with a dinosaurs book, try to spot each dinosaur name. You will no doubt recognize the famous T-Rex, but there is much, much more to discover. You can also print out cards, which after coloring, will start or complete a wonderful dinosaur cards collection. - On-Screen coloring : after Dinosotype has been installed in the system, you can access it from any application. Try using the TEXT tool in Windows Paint or any Macintosh color drawing programs, to have the dinosaurs appear on your screen. You can then practice coloring them with the FILL tool (paint pot), or the brushes. - Printer output : Dinosotype prints out very fine on most printers. At any size, really, the result is always great. Try printing really big dinosaurs. You will then be able to color them with crayons or watercolors, to create splendid posters. - Mobiles : tired of the everlasting stars mobiles ? Try printing out some dinosaurs, and glue them on cardboard. After cutting them out around the edges, and with some coloring, you will be able to assemble very original mobiles. - Monster stickers : any good office supply store has in stock laser printer labels, which work great in most printers. Use these to printout original dinosaurs stickers, which can be placed on books, doors, lunchboxes, etc. These are just a few ideas around Dinosotype. No doubts you will come up with much more creative uses for these prehistoric fellows. We will appreciate any new hint, which can be passed around to other Dinosaur fans. This font is shareware. I hope it's quality and originality please you. It is a sample only of our wide collection. If you like it, and decide to continue to use it, you must register. See following chapters about details. Discover exclusive offers and opportunities to get dozens of exclusive novelty fonts for a very affordable price. Thank-you in advance for any comment and suggestions you may have. Since 1987, Match Software has been creating great font products. Our collection offers original fonts, not found in other collections nor in regular commercial collections. Have a look at the following sample catalog for an insight at their diversity. Great FOREIGN FONTS too, if you need Russian, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Slovak, Armenian, Japanese. These fonts would cost hundreds of dollars in a regular store ! These fonts are ACCENTED, meaning they work great to write foreign languages such as FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN, and others. They contain also the "graphic" and scientific symbols. Take to-day's opportunity to get FIFTY of these new original fonts for only $20, handling and postage included (US. only). Check out the many exclusive and original fonts you will receive for that low, low price. You can now choose from TWO different 50 font packs. Many of these fonts are definitly not available elsewhere. In a boring DTP world which used to be ruled by Times and Helvetica, make an aesthetic statement. Get your point accross with taste and originality. These types are compatible with typeseting as well, and are succesfully used daily by the most prominent DTP specialists. Just hand them to your competent typeseter along with your desktop publishing documents, and you will get great films and printouts for your ads and all your graphic works. Here are these marvels. Check them out, and look for the Order Form document. For informations, or if you are looking for a font or a language not described here, call us tool free at (213) 656-4244 [ For next chapter, type ⌘2 ] Acknowledgment Match Software, 50 Fonts Pack, Bujardet Freres, are all intellectual property and copyright of Match Software, Inc. All others, trademarks and brand names, or any intellectual assets mentioned in the present documentation, are property of their respective legitimate holders.